This film is a drama story of a broken family. Wendy, who is played by Laura Liney, is a sister of Jon Savage, who is played by Philip Seymaer Hoffman. They have an elder father, his name is Lenney, who is played by Philip Bosco. They are in different places. Wendy is in New York, Jon is in Buffalo and their father lives in Sun City with his girlfriend. When his girlfriend passed away, they visited their father and they have to take him back with them because he started losing memorial. They found the nursing home in Buffalo and send him there. They had been taking care and handling him until his last day.
Overall, I liked this movie. It's a very nice one which represents how the American families are. Moreover, it's the true that everyone has to face a death. For example, I like the shot at the restaurant that they were trying to ask an elderly father about how to handle his body when he dead. It was very touched! For the weakness, I didn't like that they worried too much about their childhood, it affected their life and scared to marriage. It had several points to make me so emotional, by the way.
I really identified with Wendy. Even she has never been successful in her playwright but she never gives up. She is a strong woman and believe in her love with an unattainable married man for 13 years.
I think this movie shows how American families are. For example, staying in difference places or moving elder people in the nursing home. Wendy lives in New York, Jon in Buffalo, and their father in Sun City. It seemed they didn't have a happy family since they were young children. Furthermore, American people would like to move their parents in a nursing home more than letting them stay home. It might be the cause of they don't have much time to take care of them in dailies. So, it better moves them to the place where provides for them.
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